Cross-media content

Cross-media content- content relating to one media text that is released, watchable, marketed, purchasable, playable across different media platforms.

Cross promotion is achieved throughout the Lego movie, lego movie game and advertising campaign. This is successful through the characters, in which each promotes all by products of the lego movie itself, as characters are placed throughout the film and movie, which each cross promote one another, leading to an increase in profit.

  • The Lego Movie Video game was released across all major video consoles and platforms (Microsoft X360, Sony PS3, Nintendo 3DS, Sony PS4, Nintendo WiiU, Xbox One and 360, Sony PSV and PC) in 2014.
  • Give one advantage and one disadvantage for releasing the game across multiple platforms.
-Adv- Increased profit, open up to more audiences 
-Dis-adv- removes from exclusivity, cost more for company to produce



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