
  • When the merging of two or more media companies who work together to create a greater product than the outcome would've been if they hd worked individually.
  • Media synergy is the way in which different elements of a media conglomerate work together to promote linked products across different media.
  • It works when different elements within a media conglomerate (e.g film studio, record label, video game division) promotes created link products (e.g. film, soundtrack, video game) so that they all publisise each other
Harry Potter and philosephers stone 2001)

In 2000 AOL and Time warner merged. The promotion of Harry potter and the philosopher stone by AOL Time Warner is a good example of a synergy.

Synergy is when two or more companies work together to form a product that is greater and produces more profit than one than if it would've worked individually.

Above is an example of synergy between the movie and Coca-Cola which promotes both products. Coca Cola a huge conglomerate has merged with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and EON productions to promote Skyfall and Coca Cola.


-Film promotes DVD 
-DVD promotes soundtrack
-Soundtrack promotes advent calendar 
- Calendar promotes dolls 
-Dolls promote disney store 


  1. For revision, please provide another example of synergy. I know you had a few difficulties grasping the key term in your lesson, so finding another media example would help illustrate your understanding.
    Miss Crader

  2. i have provided another example of synergy


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