Poster analysis questions

To what extent does Propp's character theory fit The Lego Movie poster campaign (5).

Props character theory is accurate to some degree for example, Emmet is presented as the Hero and Lord Business is portrayed as the villain. Emmet although only a simple character, which is presented through the lack of details in his eyes and face, is the hero in the movie who saves the day. His worried facial expression is a counter-type of the hero who is often very self sure. As he has no confidence in himself it makes audiences question whether he can really be the hero character and how he can help others.

Lord business is presented to us as the villain, he has big red hair connoting rage and fury and the angered expression on his face with worn lines suggest that his anger has strived within him for a long time and gives him a motive to be the villain. Lord business further wears all black clothing which stereotypically are worn by the villain character, black as the opposite of white is also the opposites of its connotations for example white signify purity whereas black is an impure colour.

Analyse how genre codes have been used in the lego movie poster campaign to appeal to a family audience (10)

In the main poster campaign there is a mass use of bright and bold colours, which link in with both the comedy and action genres of the movie, to entice in both younger and older audiences. Young children are naturally drawn to bright colours and adults would be drawn to more specific areas such as the glowing light behind each of the characters, making them inquisitive as to what is happening in the movie.

Furthermore in the character poster of vitruvious there are many intertextual references to films aimed at an older age such as the hobbit. This allows secondary audiences to automatically make links between movies they know and love, and characters in the film they are about to see. Children are also drawn to vitruvious' poster because of his glowing eyes. Through presenting the character as someone who posses magic children become editable and further want to see the movie.

Moreover in the character poster of Emmet, primary audiences can identify with Emmet as he is a familiar character they are used to seeing when playing with their own lego, this may offer a character for children to identify with as they have there self produced their own idolised version of the character emmet. Secondary audiences are also appealed to in this poster as in big bold writing at the top the famous actor Chris Pratt is mentioned, parents will be familiar with this actor and may like his previous work in movies making them want to go and see the film.


  1. Both responses here are excellent Lola. You have structured them perfectly and refered back to both the set texts and questions.
    Really impressive - R2 awarded.

    Miss Crader


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